Sunday, 23 March 2014

Weekend drains

Just a quick up-date on the whole body pump-ache thing, I wasn't too bad in the morning!  Although I was grateful to, you know, be able to walk around, I kind of felt as though I probably didn't work hard enough...

So I went to Pilates on Saturday morning, this was after a good 30 minutes cardio in the gym, I felt extremely satisfied afterwards, progress is being made (even if it feels like baby steps!)
The class was enjoyable (in the most part) but I felt that some of the moves were really hard this week, in particular, the side-plank.
I have ultimate respect for this woman!  These moves may look easy, but I urge you, try it, just try and get into the position!  It's so much harder than it looks, to the point, I think I might actually practise the side plank, and normal plank for the next class so I don't look as much of a plank when I can't hold the move as long as everyone else!

Still, on a less energetic note, both Gemma's and my wedding dresses arrived in the shop the other day - we both got a text asking to make an appointment for our first dress fitting - which is highly exciting!  My only worry...  Ill look like:
this :-)
THIS :-(

Hmmm....hopefully I can trust my judgement and I won't look like an over-inflated toilet roll.  We'll see.

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