Sunday, 30 March 2014

Ditch the dinner

Happy Mother's Day to all yummy mums out there today!

In celebration of my own Mother bear, we're ditching the traditional Sunday dinner and opting for a much preferred healthier option of a BBQ. Now, you might be wondering a) why would you have a BBQ in March and b) how a BBQ can be healthy? Well; a) the weather is (for Britain) fairly nice, well nice enough to stand outside for a short time and b) we've got a healthy selection of chicken breast, salad and mayo-free slaw. 

This healthy option is partially fueled by a string of compliments I recieved yesterday, commenting on how I looked like Id lost weight and was looking good! After working (quite) hard this week and diet and exercise, this was very welcome. Obviously, the goal is the wedding which is in around 4 months, however, we are going to Gambia in only a couple of weeks, and although the primary reason we're going isn't to sunbathe (we're going to see a school mums supporting) there will undoubtably be bikinis involved. With this in mind, it would be nice to feel a bit more toned/slim than I feel now. So I better get a serious act together!!

Sunday, 23 March 2014

All roads lead to Rome

Having a lovely, relaxing evening with Gemma - After a steep learning curve for Gem, we've managed foot scrubs, face masks and eye cream.  Not so good is the Chinese we've just devoured... What was the plan stood in a badly stocked Tesco Local to order a 'healthy Chinese' has turned into chips and prawn crackers.  Is there such a thing as a 'healthy Chinese'?  I doubt it, but the intention was there.  Still, a thousand calories or not, it was delicious, and what is, is and thats it...can you tell I feel guilty!

Here we come...

Anyway...all the roads lead, well not always to Rome, in our case, america. Been sat here, watching Game of Thrones (re-living series 1-3 before 4 starts in a couple of weeks!) when I started thinking about our Honeymoon trip.  We've now booked flights with Virgin Atlantic, flying our to Vegas and back from Orlando, 1 day shy of 4 weeks apart!  We've also sorted the car out, so one way or another, we will get from Vegas to Orlando. We've been using Road Trippers to plan the trip and I think we're about sorted with the route.  We just need some places of interest to earmark - any suggestions welcome!

Weekend drains

Just a quick up-date on the whole body pump-ache thing, I wasn't too bad in the morning!  Although I was grateful to, you know, be able to walk around, I kind of felt as though I probably didn't work hard enough...

So I went to Pilates on Saturday morning, this was after a good 30 minutes cardio in the gym, I felt extremely satisfied afterwards, progress is being made (even if it feels like baby steps!)
The class was enjoyable (in the most part) but I felt that some of the moves were really hard this week, in particular, the side-plank.
I have ultimate respect for this woman!  These moves may look easy, but I urge you, try it, just try and get into the position!  It's so much harder than it looks, to the point, I think I might actually practise the side plank, and normal plank for the next class so I don't look as much of a plank when I can't hold the move as long as everyone else!

Still, on a less energetic note, both Gemma's and my wedding dresses arrived in the shop the other day - we both got a text asking to make an appointment for our first dress fitting - which is highly exciting!  My only worry...  Ill look like:
this :-)
THIS :-(

Hmmm....hopefully I can trust my judgement and I won't look like an over-inflated toilet roll.  We'll see.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Pump it

So, I went to Body Pump today and I can only wish I looked that cool!  In fact I struggled with half the moves, and had to have little pauses, felt like a total cheat!  Still, I went, I saw, I ... well not conquered, but maybe conquered a little of my worry about it!

I spent the session copying the guys moves and straining my neck (not good when you're lifting a bar) but I think I got the moves by the end.  Im definitely going to go again, now I know some of the moves I think i'll get more out of it next time - not that Im not going to ache in the morning, I have no doubt that I will be a wreck trying to get out of bed, but there you go!

I'll hold onto this thought -

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Back on track but not over the hill...

So, Im a year older -
Due to much birthday celebrations, the last week or so have meant I have swayed quite ceremoniously away from the path to skinny!  But, I am determined that I will jump back on with both feet!
I have started today by dragging myself back to the gym after a week away, only to find it impossibly busy.  Still, I managed an hour.
A week last Saturday, I went to a Pilates class which was fabulous. After the hour workout, I woke up feel EVERY muscle!  It also reminded me of one of my favourite online fitness motivators, Cassey Ho at blogilates, it's great for a bit of a helping pep talk, and I love the workouts on there - even though they are difficult!  In particular, I have adapted this stretching routine to the end of my workouts!

So, this is it, Im pep-talking myself, getting back on the wagon and sorting it out!  After all, there's only 3 weeks until Im away in Gambia, and although the trip is primarily to visit a school out there and meet people who live there, it don't mean there isn't a pool to relax by...

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Day 5- gym bunny

Has it ever happened that you've not been to the gym for...well, a while and you go back and fancy yourself as the next Jillian Michaels? Well that's me today! 35 minutes pumping that cross trainer and I'm ready to carry the gym-bunny batten! I'll grant you, 35 minutes is fairly laughable, but hey, I went didn't i?! 3 weeks limping next to the wagon and I jumped back on in (quite) a glorified fashion, and on a Sunday!
It's not that I didn't want to stay longer (I say with metaphorical puppy dog eyes). My friends had turned up earlier and having an invitation to hand to them, I left at the same time! Anyway in true bunny-style we have set our self a gym schedule for next week that will make even the most avid gym-goer sweat! Tuesday-gym, Thursday-body pump, Friday-gym and Saturday-Pilates. Granted, the whole thing is setting the bar high, I'm hoping it's not unachievably high, especially since I feel I will need to work through quite a high level of stress in the coming weeks. 
As any teacher will know, a looming inspection means only 1 thing; late working hours, high stress levels and weekend wine. And although it's been half term this week, the latter has served me well this past weekend and has made the 8 hours of work today almost palatable. 
Still, there's news on the horizon to brighten up even the dullest of Yorkshire days, Gemma and I have booked the honeymoon flights and have committed to a 4 week long adventure across Southern America! Big yays!
I haven't spoke about food in my post today, still best not to dwell! All that's important is that I've kept within my daily/weekly point allowance and am going to do my damdest to keep it that way!