Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Confessions from the BQQ...

Got up yesterday morning, laboriously pulled on my gym clothes and blooming got on with it.  That is the British way!  It was bloody hard as well!  What is not so much the British way, is the 25 degree heat that we had throughout the night!  It made getting up even harder as I had barely slept either!  Also, slaving away alongside Jillian Michaels at 6:30 in the morning in such heat, whilst rather tired was something of a chore!  Having said all that, I did it, and am damn proud I did too!

So...having decided I needed to start the '30 days' again, I have now made it through day three.  And although day 1 felt hard, it is a lot easier a lot faster this time around, despite having the pesky cough and cold hanging around like unwanted belly fat.

As previously mentioned, we are currently experiencing some rather un-British British weather, which means its hot, sunny and glorious, and us Brits, not really knowing what to do when such a phenomenon occurs, naturally grasp at anything summer related we can get our pale little paws on.  So you see men (not particularly fit, young or good looking ones) strutting their stuff around Donny town centre with their pale, hairy nipples and beer bellies on show for all to see.  You get every female, their dogs and their mothers out and about in questionable mini-skirts.  A bar-be on every street corner and every beer garden full to the rafters with said questionable characters.  So naturally, we jumped on the bandwagon and invited nearest and dearest down to join in with the celebration of burning sausages over hot coals.  So, despite killing myself keeping up the morning shred, was all progress lost after my burger?  I'm not sure, but you can't have it all right?

So this morning...well its 7:10am and im sat with my cuppa writing this post, so you can guess that this morning has not been one such morning and I haven't done my shred. (Guilty face).

Maybe i'll do them tonight....

Here's hoping....

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